public speaking

Definition of Public Speaking

According to Webster's Third New International Dictionary, definition of Public Speaking listed are:

a. The act of process of making speeches in public (the process of giving a public speech)
b. The art of science of effective oral communication with an audience (the art of science of effective oral communication with the audience).

According to David Zarefsky, the Strategic Public Speaking for
Success; "Public speaking is a continuous process in the which communication messages and signals circulate back and forth between speakers and listeners." Which means: Public Speaking is an ongoing communication process, in which the messages and symbols (communication) continued interaction between the speaker and the listeners.

Meanwhile, according to Ys. Gunadi in terms Association Communications: Public Speaking is a form of communication that is made orally on a matter or topic in front of many people. The goal is to influence, change opinions, teach, educate, provide an explanation as well as provide information to a particular community at a particular place.

Because it is dynamic, then Public Speaking can also be interpreted as an activity that is very close to the association of the word changes (change). Through Public Speaking, we can know the mindset of a person, knowing someone's idea of the future, and extraordinary ideas. We also can determine what changes are initiated or planned by someone.

Public Speaking is a family clump of Communication Studies (rhetoric) that includes discussion, debate, speech, chaired the meeting, the moderator, MC and presenters as well as the ability of a person to be able to speak in public, groups and individuals who need to use the strategies and techniques appropriate to speak.
Matters could talk!

Well, of exposure sufficient understanding of public speaking panjaang above. It seems we can not assume that the simple technique of speaking would make someone capable of influencing, controlling or even persuade others to a particular interest.

Therefore, it is necessary and it took a special effective speaking skills, a series of techniques capable speak so we can do it all, both in the delivery of the message, influencing, motivating, and so forth.


Obama, who we know as the first black person who can master Uncle Sam, is among those who are good at talking. Articulate, not in the sense that a lot of the way, but he was able to process words in such a way that what it conveys to master the subconscious listener, able to change their mindset, and then influence for as if clicking the YES-whatever is said by the President the first US air-alma mater-the Menteng this

In public speaking the next article, we will discuss how a technique of public speaking or talking basic techniques and simple for us to learn, but it proved to be able to make the messages we convey SIGN, hit and embedded in the minds of the listeners.

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