
Structure (structure) is a grouping of several konstituent words that have the exact wording or completely in English. So we can tell which words are true and which sentences have the wrong wording. Konstituent an entity that has a special marker word in each group said such Subject (subjects) are marked with S, Object (object) is marked with O, Noun (noun) is characterized by N, Verb (verb) is characterized by V, Adjective (adjective) characterized by adj, adverb (adverb) characterized by Adv, Tobe (auxiliary verb am, is, are, was, were) Be, and others. Here's an example of the arrangement structure in English:
S + V + O S + V + ice / s + O S + Be + V + Ing + O
The example above is an arrangement (stucture) constituent words as has been described previously. But basically, the goal structure is not merely to provide konstituent of the word, but also to differentiate and find out where the wording is right and wrong wording. Consider this example the following sentence:
(1) I am the market going to go (I'll go to the market) (2) I am going to the market (I would go to the market)
It is apparent from the second sentence has the form of the same word konstituent, where structurenya can be illustrated as follows:
(1) S + O + V + Ing + p + Be + V (2) S + Be + V + ing + V + O
but keep in mind that the sentences (1) and (2) have a clear distinction, In sentence (1) it is clear that the sentence has the wrong word structure. While in sentence (2) has the structure of the right words, so it is easy to understand the intent and purpose of the sentence. This is the position of structure in a language, structure occupies the most important place in a language. With the right structure, others will easily know the meaning of a sentence that we mentioned or write.
English has a clear structural language that can be started with the forms of wording easiest and stiap word has konstituentnya respectively. For example structures using suppression time (tenses) and other basic rules that should be applied to form a proper sentence. For example:
(1) I go to the market everyday (I go to the market every day) (2) She goes to the market everyday (he / women go to the market every day) (3) He went to buy a gadget yesterday (he / men go buy a gadget yesterday) (4) He is sending an email to his friend now. (he / men are mengirinkan an electronic letter to his friend now)
Notice in the above sentences, each of the above sentence has its own characteristics based structurenya. What is interesting in each of these sentences? Just look at the following illustration:
In sentence (1) looks "I go" and the sentence (2) looks "she goes". Between sentences (1) and (2) have the same verb that has the basic form of the verb (Verb) "go (go)", but in this case the form of the sentence (1) and (2) look different. So what has made the verb to change shape? The verb form is influenced by the position of the subject that is being described in the sentence. In this structure can be explained by certain rules in use in the English language. When an element of subjective of the sentence comes from the first person singular, the structure that should be applied is "S + V". And when the subject of the sentence comes from a third person single sentence like He, She, It then sturcture that should be applied is "S + V + Ice / s". This is called the structure based on the basic principles that should be applied in English ..
whereas in sentence (3) and (4) explain the emphasis of time used in a sentence, in which the subject known to perform an activity at a particular time. in sentence (3) and (4) things that need to be underlined is the placement Verb (verb) and adverb (adverb). in sentence (3) have the konstituent "S + V2" which means it can be concluded that the activity is an activity performed in the past, it can also be characterized by the placement adverb (adverb) that accompanies it "yesterday". as well as with the sentence (4) which has konstituent "S + Be + V + Ing" which is then followed by the adverb (adverb) "Now". then this sentence can be interpreted that the subject is doing activities at this time. This is called the structure which is used for the suppression time.
Sebelemunya of explanation, so, structure serves to memeberikan constituent in the words of English, knowing whether or not the wording of a sentence, to apply the basic rules of the preparation of a sentence in English, and apply the appropriate time emphasis in a sentence. The actual scope of this structure is very broad, but considering this is an introductory topic structure then this topic is made as short-sum. But I always hoped to be able to continue this topic to a category structure at any time, so that this discussion can be described as detailed as possible of course.
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