
research method is a scientific way to obtain data with specific uses and purposes. So any research done that has a specific purpose and destination. Generally, the purpose of the study there are three kinds: * Characteristically Characteristically evidentiary discovery * * Characteristically development
The discovery means that the data is completely new, it has not previously been known, while the proof which means that data can be used to prove doubt on knowledge or specific information. As for development, which means it can broaden and deepen existing knowledge.
With over one study, people can use the results acquired. In general, the data obtained from the study can be used to solve, to understand and to anticipate problems.
The point to understand here is to clarify information or previously unknown problems and later became know. While solving means minimizing
or even eliminate problems while anticipating is attempting to avoid further problems.
Basically the research methods can be divided into two, namely: * * Characteristically qualitative quantitative Characteristically
For a quantitative method is also called the positivist method is based on the philosophy of positivism due. In addition, this method is also known by the scientific method or scientific method is due to meet scientific principles such as empirical, measurable, objective, systematic and rational. This method is also called the discovery method because the method of this kind can be developed and found a variety of new science and technology. Methods which have called quantitative methods because the data is numeric and statistical analysis using.
For qualitative methods are also called the method is based on the philosophy postpositivistik due postpositivistik. In addition, this method is called with the artistic method because the process of research conducted tend to be art or less patterned. Not only is it another name of this method is the method of naturalistic research because research conducted under natural conditions and the method is mostly used for research in the field of cultural anthropology. Actually, why is it called the qualitative method because the collected data and analysis tend to be qualitative

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