Speech my mom

Speech my mom
Assalamualaikum, wr. wb.

     Dear father of the principal SMP Negeri 03 Losari. I respect the father and teacher mother and his staff TU SMP Negeri 03 Losari. Dear friends of class VII - IX. Let us for a moment grateful for Allah SWT who has given tremendous favor. Do not miss also let us pray sholawat and regards the presence of our Prophet, Prophet Muhammad which leads us to the path blessed by Allah SWT.

     Mother, three letters that refer to the glorious figure of the servant of God. Mother, three letters refer to the role of the caregiver does not know the end. Mother, three letters refer to all the pleasure we feel now stems from it. Mom, mom just tinga letters refer to someone who venerable by his children. For it was on this auspicious occasion and to celebrate Mother's Day, I would like to extend a word of thanks for her beberpa through this speech.

     Ladies and Gentlemen

     To me, she is a true hero who is willing to sacrifice
everything just for us, son. For me, the mother is the closest friend who is always there for us, son. For me, the mother is the best teacher gives a lesson of how we, their children, live. For me, the mother is the greatest doctor who lovingly take care of us when our son, helpless pain. Indeed he was everything, everything that he play the role feels right and meaningful to us, son.

     We are born into the world, therefore, we grow healthy for his services, and we live on the sacrifice. Priceless how much affection he gave, incalculable how much sacrifice that he gave us only for his son. He hoped, we are a bright future in which he will rely. She thought we were the successor ideals which have not been reached. Regard it, we are a source of pride in his day. But the extent of whether expectations, mind mother Assuming that we make happen? Pertanya it was that now we have to think together.

     For that is the "Mother's Day" was made as a momentum to recall how important it is for our mother, how vital role of mother to us and how great a mother figure to us. Momentum is also as if to remind us of the duties and obligations that must be fulfilled to reply to all that he has given, to realize all that he aspired and to reply to all the affection which he lavished.

     Thanks mom, for everything that you gave me and for everything that you gave up. We promise, we will reply you love that has been given, will we realize all hope that you dream of. Thanks mom, your services will always remember, your tears of laughter will always be remembered and your ideals will always try. You're the one everything, Mom.

     Let us remember his services, let us try ideals, let us make him proud. This might be the beginning for us to continue to give affection to the noble creature, MOM. Thank you.

     Waalikumsalam, wr. wb.

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